
Who would have thought that 2 summers of the same songs every day, boiling weather, and never being fully clean would result in the best times of my life?!

Hi y’all! I’m Ruth, and I’m getting ready to go to my third summer at Camp Johnsonburg in NJ! I currently study politics and philosophy at Stirling University, and originally I’m from Ripon, North Yorkshire. 3 years ago, as I was coming to the end of first year, I wanted to find something fun to do with my summer, as well as a cheap way to travel, which was when my cousin suggested Camp America. Little did I know this was the best decision I’ve made! Being a counselor was, and continues to be the most rewarding job I’ve ever done (And I used to work at a theme park!). A few of my favourite memories include, anytime we cooked over a fire (I make a mean Shepard’s Pie on a fire), playing in the lake, and mealtimes. There’s something about a dining room full of 100 hungry kids, which always makes me feel like I’m home. Remember to follow my social media, to follow me in my new role as unit director, and being reunited with my favourite people and my favourite place!